Body composition, energy expenditure, motor skills and afective status, and their relationship with independence and quality of life in older adults. Stable isotopes utilization in aging and quality of life research
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Research in physical activity, energy expenditure and aging, is relevant in the improvement of quality of life. The present is a multicenter project involving 15 countries. The project used doubly labelled water by stable isotopes to measure energy expenditure in older adults. The objectives were to develop and validate equations that predict body composition, to determine muscle strengh and to know the energy expenditure. The usefulness of using stable isotopes in human fisiology research is emphasize. Concurrently the “Time up and go” test, “six minutes” test, “walking speed” test were applied. Maximum grip strength was measured, along with tests to determine cognitive status, mental health and independence. This research allowed us to know relevant relations for the quality of life and health, between energy expediture, muscle strengh, cognitivity and independence in older adults.
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