La constitución histórica del campo de la cultura física y de la educación física. Actores, instituciones, discursos y políticas. Argentina (1901-1938)
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The following research project aims to analyze the constitution of the field of physical culture and physical education in Argentina during the first four decades of the twentieth century. It will focus on the dispute between at least two groups with specific training institutions. The National Institute of Physical Education (INEF), which dates back to 1901 and the School of Gymnastics and Fencing Army created in 1897 (Saraví Riviere, 1998; Bertoni, 1996, 2001; Aisenstein & Scharagrodsky, 2006).
Each of these matrices of thought formation pedagogy, didactics, methodology and wider politics, nation, country, bodies orsexuality in different ways and with senses and particular meanings. The aim is to explore the differences and similarities between the two institutions retaking some of the above topics from the speeches that legitimized them, focusing the analysis on both the modern pedagogical discourse and hegemonic medical discourse. In particular, we analyze the medical discourse as legitimizing the field, in particular, will investigate the four sub-disciplines that constituted the quintessential interpretive grid moving bodies: the descriptive anatomy, exercise physiology, gynecology and anthropometry.
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